Student of the Month - Lucas Qiang


Lucas is a curious and talented young musician whose commitment to excellence has inspired us ever since he began taking lessons at New Mozart a little over a year ago. He has been practicing everyday from his very first lesson and has written several songs on his own. We often come across students and parents who are easily discouraged when they don’t see quick results. Not Lucas! He innately understands that learning an instrument takes time. Undeterred by what he can or can’t do at the moment, Lucas focuses on who he is in the process of becoming with the most positive attitude.

Congratulations Lucas! We look forward to seeing your musical journey to greatness!

1. What is your name and how old are you?

My name is Lucas. I am 8.

2. How long have you been studying piano and how old were you when you first started?

I have been studying piano for 1 year and 2 months. I started playing piano when I was 7 years old.

3. What instrument are you studying now, and who is your teacher?

I am studying piano and Paul is my teacher.

4. What pieces are you currently working on?

Country Dance, and Hickory Dickory Dock

5. How often do you practice?

Every day for 20-30 min.

6. Why do you love music?

Because it makes me happy.

7. What are some things you like doing besides music?

I go to Taekwondo class twice a week and I enjoy playing soccer and basket ball and tennis.

8. What do you want to be when you grow up?

A soccer player